Thursday, August 14, 2008

When I Talk to You

In this book by Michael Luenig, there are prayers of thanksgiving and hope and declaration. There are prayers of everyday things, some simple and often taken for granted, and there are others that are just downright silly.

Luenig worried that when these prayers were being created to appear in the paper, they lost their sincerity. But when you pick up the book, it's just you and the words. You can choose simply to read and enjoy them for what they are, or you can pray them.

Below are some of my favorites. Enjoy...

Dear God,We pray for balance and exchange. Balance us like trees. As the roots of a tree shall equal its brnaches, so must the inner life be equal to the outer life. And as the leaves shall nourish the roots, so shall the roots give nourishment to the leaves. Without equality and exchange of nourishment there can be no growth and no love. Amen.

Let us live in such a waythat when we dieOur love will surviveAnd continue to grow. Amen.

God bless the lost, the confused,the unsure, the bewildered, the puzzled,the mystified, the baffled, and the perplexed. Amen.

God bless those who suffer from the common cold. Nature has entered into them; Has led them aside and gently lain them low To contemplate life from the wayside; To consider human frailty; to receive the deep and dreamy messages of fever. We give thanks for the insights of this humble persepective. We give thanks for blessings in disguise. Amen.

1 comment:

Annie said...

Thanks again...good to be reminded of Michael Leunig...I do so enjoy him!
