Saturday, October 11, 2008

Simply Snickers: SweetSwinger

The Simply Snickers prompts this week were swing, sweet , swim and, swell. 

There was a sweet little lass
Who ne'er could resist a swing.
She'd jump right on
And smile, laugh, and sing
of life and love
and everything.

On brutally hot summer days,
This lass loved to swing and swim.
She'd grab the rope
On narry a whim,
Glide o'er the creek
Humming a hymn.

One day though she sailed too far
And fell in mud when she let go.
She was covered
In brown head to toe
And one would think
That quite the blow.

Before the mud could cake on
She ran that sweet little lass
To a swell big field
To roll in the grass
And clean right off
Her little ol' ass.

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