Monday, November 3, 2008

Matter of Fact Monday: Arithmancy

The prompt for Matter of Fact Monday was anything to do with WITCHCRAFT. I chose Arithmancy, an ancient system of fortune-telling based on names and numbers. It is offered as an elective at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the Harry Potter novels.

1) Arithmancy is an ancient system of fortune-telling based on names and numbers. A is 1 and Z is 8. The name PETER, for example, would add up to a numeric total of 27 [P(7) e(5) t(2) e(5) r(9) ].

2) For make predictions, the final result must be less 9 or less. So in the case of Peter, which adds up to 27, add those two digits together to get 9 (2+7). If you add the two digits of a numerical name value and still get more than 9, then add them together again. For instance, a 58 yields a 13, which yields a 4.

3) The total of all the letters in a name gives a person's character number, or the general personality type of an individual. By adding the value of just the vowels in Peter, you would get 10, or 1, which is a person's heart number, which represents the individual's inner life and can indicate desires and fears hidden from others. Adding just the consonants would produce the number 18, or 9, which is a person's social number, the way they are perceived by the outside world. here is what EDDIE D [5+4+4+9+5+4=31 (4)] yields:

Character 4 = Like a table that rests solidly on four legs, four indicates stability and firmness. Fours enjoy hard work. They are practical, reliable and down to earth; they prefer logic and reason to flights of fancy. They are good at organization and getting things done. Like the cycle of the four seasons, they are also predictable. They can be stubborn, suspicious, overly practical and prone to angry outbursts. The conflicts possible in "two" are doubled in four.

Heart 1 = This is the number of the individual, the solitary unit. Ones are independent, focused, and determined. They set a goal and stick to it. They are leaders and inventors. Ones find it difficult to work with others and don't like to take orders. They can be self-centered, egotistical, and domineering. They are often loners.

Social 3 = Three represents the idea of completeness or wholeness, as in the threesomes past-present-future and mind-body-spirit. Three indicates talent, energy, an artistic nature, humor, and social ease. Threes are often lucky, easygoing, and highly successful, but they can also be unfocused, easily offended, and superficial.

You can find out where you are here, the source of this fact post.

1 comment:

ShannonW said...

This was fun! Mine is ...
Character Number: 6
Heart Number : 4
Social Number: 2