Thursday, December 25, 2008

Merry Christmas

By YouTuber JSB777...

Suppose that God was truly and supremely and, above all else, the great Giver; just that, the great Giver. Just suppose that God, who devised this whole creation in the first place, knew all along that giving is really much more fun than getting. God knew that nothing in all creation can quite match the joy of seeing someone else unwrap a gift that you have chosen with your deepest and most careful love. That's what God is actually like, what God and love are really all about. So in giving us the Son, sending us the greatest gift there ever was or will be, God got such a charge, such a sheer delight out of the whole thing, that the entire creation laughed and rang with joy.

From "Jubilee: Readings Through the Year" from Alive Now" by J. Barrie Shepherd as published in SOUND BITES, a five-day-a-week e-mail ministry of the Rev. Dave Wilkinson, pastor of First United Methodist Church (Green Bay, Wis.).

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